Friday, January 30, 2009

My Political Opinion VIA FAcebook Update Status

It the past few weeks there have been some very monumental changes occurring here in the US. Whether you approve of President Obama or not, it is irrelevant to this thought. I am personally more partial to the President that i voted for (Obama), but we live in a free country where we have the right to express our opinions freely without penalty. That being said, I think it is very silly when people use their facebook status updates to express that personal very potentially volatile opinion in a few lines of their facebook status. For example, John Doe is "Welcome to socialism America, meet your new dictator Barack Hussein Obama". This is a very impersonal cold and non-confrontational way to express your disapproval. If you really wanted to express yourself there are other ways. Not this "Drive By" commenting, it is just silly. Just make a BLOG. Its not a difficult thing to do.

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